
Vegan Food on Sticks

Trademark information about Vegsicle®

Trademark Ownership and Usage

Vegsicle® is a registered trademark of our company and can only be used to identify the specific frozen confection and plant-based food products of our company. It may not be used to refer to similar products of other companies or such products generally. Misuse of this trademark may violate our valuable rights.

Correct Brand Name Application

Vegsicle® is a brand name that should be used with the trademark registration symbol (i.e., ®) and a proper generic modifier relevant to the particular product category, such as Vegsicle® Vegan Ice Pops, Vegsicle® Plant-Based Meat on a Stick, Vegsicle® Vegan Patisserie on a Stick, or Vegsicle® Vegan Nutrition on a Stick.

Appropriate Linguistic Usage

The Vegsicle® trademark should never be used as a noun. For example, it is not correct to say “I’d like a Vegsicle.” It is correct to say “I’d like a Vegsicle Vegan Ice Pop” or “I’d like a Vegsicle Plant-Based Meat on a Stick.”

Singular and Plural Forms

The Vegsicle® trademark should never be used in the plural form. For example, it is not correct to say “I love Vegsicles.” It is correct to say “I love Vegsicle Vegan Ice Pops” or “I love Vegsicle Plant-Based Meats on a Stick.”

Avoiding Possessive Form

The Vegsicle® trademark should not be used in the possessive form. For example, it is not correct to say “Vegsicle’s amazing flavor.” It is correct to say “the amazing flavor of Vegsicle® Vegan Ice Pops” or “the amazing flavor of Vegsicle® Plant-Based Meats on a Stick.”

Respecting the Trademark

So now that you know the facts, do the right thing and respect our trademark. Use Vegsicle® only to identify our specific products, use this trademark correctly, and don’t use it for any other purpose without our permission. We appreciate your cooperation.
